Bursting pimples makes the condition worse and slow down the healing process. Pimples contain contaminants that burst and spread to other areas of the skin.

The skin of the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders, due to having sebaceous glands, provides favorable conditions for the growth of germs. Therefore, many pimples may be seen in these areas of the body. The treatment of pimples is possible only by reducing their amount. First of all, today we will know about the best food that can help us get acne-free skin.

Food that is good for skin

Once we have a good natural facial care routine, we must emphasize our diet. And that is why today we will talk about the most important nutrients for the skin and which foods to find them.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the most important as it helps us keep our skin well hydrated. And it is that many times with acne skin, we fall into the error of not hydrating them properly. Because we think that this gives us more fat, and what we are doing is dehydrating the skin and worsening our process.

Almonds, sunflower seeds, basil, spinach, flax oil, walnuts, or hazelnut cream are foods with great vitamin E. Therefore. We can add them in salads, toast, or take them raw since they have multiple uses.


Proteins for skincare are a very important macronutrient. Since they help regenerate skin cells, we will find them in meat and fish. And is the best option from my point of view in legumes and derivatives such as tempeh or tofu, for example.

Omegas 3 and 6

Omega 3 and 6 are very important for the skin since they nourish it and give it elasticity, keeping the skin juicy and luminous.

Chia seeds, avocado, coconut oil, or small bluefish are foods very rich in omegas that we can easily combine in our daily diet. Since the organism by itself is not able to synthesize them.


Collagen is an important protein that can increase skin firmness and elasticity, helps skin regeneration, and moisturizes the skin. So, maintaining collagen intake by eating lots of citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli, and green vegetables can be one way to treat facial skin so that it doesn’t break out.

Basic Skin Care Steps for Acne free skin

Many people have begun to realize the importance of maintaining healthy skin in recent years. Not a few also set aside a large budget for facial and body skincare to maintain skin conditions. All that can be achieved optimally if balanced by implementing a healthy lifestyle. The basic skincare tips that is beneficial for keeping your face acne-free:

Do not wash your face too much.

Not only does dirty skin cause acne and pimples, but many types of blemishes and pimples are caused by excessive washing of the skin because excessive washing irritates the skin. Skin cleansers, such as soaps, contain chemicals that over-contact with the skin can reduce skin health, resulting in blemishes and pimples.

To minimize skin irritation, acne-prone areas can be washed twice a day with a mild cleanser and warm water.

Hydrates and nourishes.

It would be best to keep in mind that your skin needs to be hydrated and nourished, even oily. Of course, with creams that, in addition to hydrating and nourishing, do not clog or restrict your pores. And that they help you regulate the production of sebum in the skin. Do this step 3 at night, after the previous ones.

Get enough rest

The negative effect of lack of sleep is that it can trigger acne, make skin duller, dry skin, and age quickly. This is due to the increase in cortisol or stress hormone, which impacts skin health.

However, resting for 7-8 hours can help the skin look fresher. This happens because sleep can help collagen production and rejuvenate the skin, so the skin looks younger.

Do not use cosmetics regularly.

Avoid greasy cosmetics. The use of these fatty substances clogs the skin’s pores and causes a lot of skin pimples and acne. Use cosmetics that contain light, powdery minerals that reduce the risk of pimples and acne.

Before using cosmetics, wash your face with cold water, and be sure to wash your face after removing makeup.

Bottom line

Everyone has different skin characteristics, so the skincare steps must also be adapted to each person’s health condition. Instead of making your skin bright, choosing the wrong beauty products can worsen your skin condition. Especially acne and sensitive skincare need more attention because it is very vulnerable to certain ingredients.

You will have a perfect complexion, free of impurities, with this simple routine. And for this, you are only spending a few minutes a day! So, now you know how to have an acne-free skin healthily and naturally!

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