Author page: Jack Lemoine

5 DIY Home Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples and Acne

5 DIY Home Remedies To Get Rid of Pimples and Acne: Make the Process of Getting Rid of Pimples so Much Quicker and Naturally

Pimples are a pain in the butt. No matter what skin type you have or your age, having pimples is something you’re prone to have if you don’t have them already. Don’t you hate it when a pimple grows out of nowhere exactly at the time when you have to meet someone or you’re invited into something? And we all…

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What Are the Causes of Blackheads, and How do we Prevent Them?

What Are the Causes of Blackheads, and How do we Prevent Them?

Acne can have different blemishes on the skin, each with a different appearance and symptoms. According to research, most types of mild acne can be treated with home remedies and over-the-counter medications. Still, people with severe or long-term acne should see a doctor or dermatologist. Blackheads are the common type of acne. So paying attention to the type and location…

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Ways to Overcome Inflammatory Acne

Ways to Overcome Inflammatory Acne

It is a very common skin problem experienced by almost everyone, especially in teenagers and adults. The appearance of acne on the skin is annoying and reduces self-confidence, especially if the acne is getting worse and inflamed. Inflamed pimples can be unsightly and painful. Inflammatory acne usually occurs in the area under the blockage of blackheads. What is inflammatory acne?…

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