At times, the sun can be delightful; we often forget that our pale skin cannot support it. We might end up with a sunburn that can be too serious than we often think. While not all sunburns are dangerous, knowing how to treat one is “the good knowledge” one must acquire.

To effectively treat a sunburn in no time, you need to have some considerations. First of all, not all sunburns are treated easily. Some sunburns require a trip to a professional. At times, you might need to visit the emergency room ASAP. Other health factors also play a role. For example, if you have diabetes, the healing process might take longer than with a healthy person. 

So, according to this humble medical research, let’s explore how to treat a sunburn in no time effectively.

Effective Remedies For Sunburns 

First-degree sunburns, which are the least dangerous, don’t need a lot of special care. You’ll mostly just have to wait for the skin to replace the damaged cells. The skin typically looks red and peels after some time. After that, you’ll get new cells and little to no leftovers. 

However, some strategies help you optimize the process and allow it to run smoothly. The list of effective ways to treat sunburns includes: 

  • getting adequate rest
  • getting a lot of sleep 
  • getting adequate hydrated
  • and moisturizing your skin

Other effective ways to treat sunburns quickly

If you’re not satisfied with just getting adequate rest and proper hydration, you can go for some other ways to support the healing process. 

Other tips to support the healing process and relieve symptoms include:

  • Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you want to make the inflammation less of a problem, you can take an NSAID.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking can hinder the healing process. So, you might want to cease doing it for a couple of days. 
  • Avoid sun exposure. Exposing your skin to more ultraviolet light won’t do you good. You might want to avoid the heat of the sun for a couple of days.
  • Try aloe vera. Aloe vera is often regarded as one of the best options you can use to speed up the healing process.
  • Cold-bathing. Numerous researches prove that showering with cold water allows the body to heal faster, reducing unnecessary immune system reactions.

Keep in mind that the expression “heal in no time” is just a trick to attract you to read this article. You can’t heal Sunburns overnight. You’ll have to let the natural process take its course, which takes time.” 

Factors that Affect the Healing Process of a Sunburn

The healing process isn’t a stable constant among all people. Some health conditions that you might have can affect how your body deals with damaged skin. 

People with diabetes, chronic stress, poor circulation, immunodepression, arterial disease, and other health problems might not heal as fast as a healthy 30-year old.  

When to Seek Medical Help?

When the sunburn is mild, you shouldn’t worry too much. As long as the minor pain stays in the burnt area, you should just bite the bullet and let your body heal itself. 

However, if you start noticing the situation getting worse or having other health problems, you should seek the help of a professional. 

If your sunburn is really bad you should visit the emergency room ASAP.

Sunburns Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make sunburns go away fast?

To treat a sunburn, you’ll have to take adequate care of yourself by eating healthy, sleeping well, relaxing, and properly hydrating yourself.

How long do sunburns last?

It only takes 3 to 4 days to heal a mild sunburn, perhaps less. As for the more advanced ones might take up to 5 days for the skin to properly heal. 

How long does it take to sunburn?

Depending on how vulnerable your skin is, it might take from 2 hours to 6 hours of sun exposure to make your skin burn. 


Sunburn is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. There are no miracle cures other than the miracle of the body healing itself; ain’t that magical!? All you have to do is let your body do its natural process by staying away from the sun, getting rest, sleeping, and being properly hydrated. 

If you have fair skin that quickly burns under the sun, you might want to limit your exposure as much as possible. 

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